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Little Pumpkin

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

DC's Best Produce Farms roadside pumpkin patch on Tower Ave. In Superior, WI is a well stocked and fun

friendly place to pick out pumpkins! I got to hang out with this cutie who despite the cold, enjoyed looking at all the pumpkins.

"I skip through the patch and I look till I find the pumpkin I want, and my dad cuts the vine... We wash it and dry it, then cut off the top. We scoop out the seeds and the pulp and the slop...

...We carve out a smile and put in a light. My big happy pumpkin shines in the night...

...My pumpkin is happy and I'm happy too. For God picked me out and He made me like new...

...I'm God's special child, He made me complete, from the hair on my head to the toes on my feet...

...I'll try to be good so that others can see God's love and God's light, shining through me."

Excerpts from My Big Happy Pumpkin by Crystal Bowman

You can find the pumpkin farm on Facebook at:


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